Dr. Amar Singh and Dr. Poonam Singh

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How to maintain hormone balance

Hormones are chemicals made by various glands in our body. They are messengers that tell other parts of our body how and when to work. Hormones control almost all tasks in the human body. When hormones are out of balance, symptoms can occur, and health starts deteriorating.

Our body has internal sensors that determine how much of which hormone is needed at a particular time. These sensors signal glands to secrete hormones in pulses. Hormonal balance is a very intricate and precise mechanism. With time, we gradually lose the ability to produce certain hormones. Hormone replacement therapy, prescribed based on clinical judgment and the needs of the individual patient, can restore this balance. 

Synthetic hormones are chemicals manufactured in labs patented by pharmaceutical companies. They come in predefined doses, and their molecular structure is not identical to the natural hormones. Synthetic hormones can be taken as an injection or skin cream, or oral tablets. Their levels peak and trough in our body, which may not mimic the natural hormone patterns, leading to inconsistent responses. Since their structure is not identical to natural hormones, they are needed in higher doses and are more prone to adverse effects.

The bioidentical pellet hormone is unique. It is all-natural, derived from plant sterols, which have the same chemical and molecular structure as hormones naturally produced in our body. The pellets we use in our office are yam based. They are designed in the form of small pellets (similar to a tic tac), dosed precisely match each person’s hormone levels. They mimic the natural hormone function more than synthetic hormones. As the hormone levels change, their formulation can be altered to complement it. Pellets are inserted under the skin in the hip area, using a painless 10-minute office procedure. Their effect lasts for three to four months in women and five to six months in men.  As they are inside our body, bathing in body fluids, they release hormones mimicking our natural pattern. Pellets dissolve entirely in without leaving any residue. They offer better results at a lower dose than synthetic hormones. Since bioidentical hormones are an exact structural replica of endogenous hormones, side effects are uncommon. In a rare event, if it occurs, one usually has to adjust the dosage. 

Pellets are inserted 3 or 4 times each year in women and twice a year in men. This way, one does not have to think about it, and the hormone is available when the body needs it. It is a simple, one-and-done process, and there is no need to worry about remembering to take a pill every day. You may feel better regardless of your age. Bioidentical hormones can help you avoid the adverse side effects of synthetic hormones.

Why not just take the pellets orally?

Bio-identical Estrogen pellets are not suitable for oral ingestion as they are chemically inactivated during the intestinal absorption process. Any estrogen or testosterone-like drug taken by mouth are not bio-identical.

How long will it take to work?

Each person’s symptoms and metabolism are unique, so is their path to hormone optimization. Most report some symptom resolution in as little as 10-15 days, but full optimization may take several months. The bioidentical hormone therapy journey is customized to fit individual needs. It takes more than a few weeks for hormones to get out of balance, so one can appreciate that it may take a little time to get hormones back to an optimal level.  A few weeks after pellet insertion, hormone levels are checked to assess the improvement and adjust the dosing. 


Although the clinical effects of hormone optimization vary depending on the person, and the type of treatment, the symptoms that may potentially improve are:

  • Fatigue

  • Low endurance

  • Mental clarity

  • Libido

  • Insomnia

  • Irritability

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Memory

  • Hot flashes

  • Sexual function

  • Inability to lose weight

  • Bone health

  • Muscle health

  • Skin health

  • Muscle and joint pain

  • Glucose levels

  • Cardiovascular health

  • Headaches, Migraine

  • Fibromyalgia, chronic body pain

  • Feeling of wellbeing

The goals of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy are alleviation of the symptoms caused by decreased production of hormones and a reversal of diseases associated with aging. Bio-Identical hormone pellets are the foundation for restoring hormone balance in the brain and the body, creating a sense of well being. 







Every person has unique metabolic needs and body type; therefore, results may not reflect the typical experience or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same results.

Published 7/27/2020

Updated 1/10/2021

About Us

Dr. Amar Singh, MD, and Dr. Poonam Singh, MD, are board-certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and American Board of Obesity Medicine. They specialize in preventing, treating, and reversing chronic diseases using an evidence-based holistic approach. They are specifically interested in weight management, hormone rebalancing, and longevity. The American College of Physicians has recognized them as Fellows, FACP,  for their excellence and contributions made to both medicine and the broader community. They enjoy teaching, volunteering, and advocating for their patients