Dr. Amar Singh and Dr. Poonam Singh

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Conquering Mount Kilimanjaro: A Journey Beyond the Summit

On Monday, June 23rd, 2024, we summited Uhuru Peak, the highest point of Mount Kilimanjaro. Standing at 19,340.55 feet above sea level, the Journey to the top was a physical challenge and a profound experience of self-discovery and personal growth. Here's what we learned from our adventure.

Embracing the Journey

Hiking is not merely a physical activity; it's a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Each trail uncovers the beauty of the world and the depth of our spirits. The wilderness invites us to shed our inhibitions and embrace our true selves. Away from the constraints of daily life, nature becomes a mirror, reflecting our inner strength and resilience. Every step in nature is a step towards a greater understanding and appreciation of the world around us.

The Freedom of the Wilderness

In the wilderness, we find the freedom to be unapologetically ourselves. Nature's raw beauty acts as a mirror, reflecting our inner strength and potential. The Journey is not defined by the destination but by the courage to embark on it. Each mountain climbed leaves us with a clearer view of our potential. Hiking teaches us that it is not about escaping life but discovering it in its purest form.

On the slopes of Kilimanjaro, we experienced a true sense of freedom. There were no messages to answer, no meetings to attend, and no distractions from the outside world. It was just us and the mountain. 8 days or no running water and electricity. This simplicity was liberating. We could focus entirely on the task at hand and our inner thoughts. Every step was an opportunity to reflect and connect with our true selves.

Lessons from the Trail

Patience and Persistence

Hiking challenges us to be patient, persistent, prepared, and present. The trail, much like life, is unpredictable and full of surprises. It takes twists and turns, presenting obstacles that test our limits. Every step, even the tough ones, shapes who we are, revealing our true strength.

Patience and persistence were vital in Kilimanjaro. The climb is long and arduous, with varying terrains and unpredictable weather. We got caught in torrential rain and wind. There were dark and cold moments when the path seemed endless, and the summit appeared unreachable. However, we learned that progress is made one step at a time. It taught us to adapt and accept uncertainties, focus on what we can influence, and let go of what we can’t change. Each small victory, whether reaching a campsite or overcoming a steep ascent, was a testament to our perseverance.

The Joy of New Experiences

John Muir once said, "The world is big, and I want to have a good look at it before it turns dark." Hiking allows us to see the world in its full glory. The core of a person's living spirit is their passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences; hence, there is no greater joy than having an endlessly changing horizon and a new and different sun each day.

Climbing Kilimanjaro exposed us to new daily experiences, each bringing different challenges and rewards. We trekked through lush rainforests, rocky paths, and barren alpine deserts. The ever-changing landscape was a constant reminder of the beauty and diversity of our planet. Every sunrise and sunset on the mountain was a unique spectacle, a reminder of life's fleeting yet precious moments.

Conquering Mental Mountains

Hiking isn't just about conquering mountains; it's about conquering our minds' limitations. With every step on the trail, we learn to let go of what weighs us down and embrace the freedom of the Journey. It's a lesson in being strong and determined, showing us that we should keep going, even when the path becomes difficult.

The mental challenges of climbing Kilimanjaro were as significant as the physical ones. At times, fatigue and altitude sickness made us question our ability to continue. However, we discovered that mental strength often differentiates between giving up and pushing forward. Positive self-talk, mental fortitude, and each other's support helped us overcome these hurdles.


We were welcomed by a natural garden of flowers growing on rocks and in the alpine desert. Seeing flowers growing on rocks on a mountain symbolizes hope by unveiling resilience and beauty in adversity. These flowers thrive despite harsh conditions, representing the ability to overcome challenges. Their unexpected presence highlights the potential for positive outcomes and new beginnings, even in the most unlikely places, reminding us that hope and growth can emerge in any situation.

Abundance and Growth

We walked through forests and witnessed how they are self-sustaining ecosystems that embody abundance, rebirth, and recycling. Their dense, vibrant foliage and diverse wildlife illustrate nature's generosity and thriving life. Forests undergo continuous cycles of decay and regeneration, symbolizing rebirth and the perpetual renewal of life. This process mirrors human experiences of growth and transformation as we go through phases of change, shedding the old to make way for the new. Just as forests recycle nutrients to sustain themselves, humans recycle experiences and knowledge, continuously evolving and adapting in our journey through life.

Deceptive Stability

In human life, appearances can be deceptive, much like the seemingly solid rocks and logs we encountered on our hike. Just as those surfaces proved slippery and weak, people and situations that appear reliable at first glance can often reveal hidden flaws and instability. This experience teaches us the importance of being cautious and not taking things at face value. It's crucial to look beyond the surface, seeking deeper understanding and true stability before placing our trust and making decisions.

Bonding Through Shared Adventure

Hiking allows us to develop a unique bond that only comes through a shared adventure, pushing through discomfort together. Each hike is a journey of self-discovery, a chance to learn more about who we are and what we are capable of. The beauty of nature becomes a mirror reflecting the strength in us. The journey is not about reaching the destination but about having the courage to embark on it.

Our Journey up Kilimanjaro brought us closer together. The shared experiences of struggle and triumph strengthened our bond. We encouraged each other during difficult times and celebrated each milestone together. The camaraderie and mutual support were invaluable. We learned that we could overcome any obstacle together, a lesson extending beyond the mountain.


Just as our seasoned guide led us safely to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro with simple and accurate advice grounded in years of experience, doctors provide essential guidance to improve our health and well-being. Their recommendations are rooted in medical knowledge and practical expertise, ensuring that each step is toward better health. By following their advice, patients can confidently navigate the complexities of their health journey, just as climbers trust their guide to reach the peak safely. Trusting your doctor's advice is like trusting your guide on a challenging climb—both are vital for achieving the best possible outcomes.

So near, yet so far

The mountain peak appeared tantalizingly close, its jagged outline seemingly within an arm's reach, glistening with the promise of achievement. Yet, as the trek began, the true distance became apparent, with hidden valleys and unexpected obstacles turning the climb into a test of endurance and willpower. This mirrors the human experience, where our goals and dreams often seem within grasp, yet the journey to achieve them is fraught with challenges and perseverance. Just as climbers must navigate the rugged terrain, facing moments of doubt and exhaustion, individuals must overcome life's hurdles and setbacks to realize their aspirations, discovering the strength and resilience they never knew they possessed along the way.

Appreciate Little Things

Taking moments to appreciate the little things—like the beauty of a wildflower growing in a crevice or the serene sound of a distant waterfall—can be profoundly important. These small yet significant experiences offered us a chance to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the natural world, providing mental and emotional rejuvenation amidst our physical challenges. This practice of 'smelling the roses' enriched the journey and mirrored an essential philosophy for daily life. Just as climbers find meaning in these small wonders, individuals can enhance their everyday lives by noticing and appreciating the simple joys around them, such as a child's laughter, the warmth of the sun, or a kind gesture from a stranger. This mindful appreciation helps foster a sense of gratitude, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being, making life's journey more fulfilling and balanced.

Inner Serenity

Hiking is more than just moving through rugged terrain; it is the ultimate Journey to inner serenity, challenging us to our core and revealing our true strength. In nature, one finds the most authentic version of oneself. Hiking is a transformative journey, a path to inner serenity, challenging us to our core and revealing our true strength.

The serenity we found on Kilimanjaro was unparalleled. The mountain demanded our complete presence, pushing us to let go of external worries and focus on the moment. This deep sense of presence allowed us to connect with our inner selves. We realized that true peace comes from within, and the Journey of self-discovery is a lifelong adventure.

Reflections from the Summit

Reaching the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro was a moment of triumph, but it also brought a new perspective. Nature's sheer vastness was overwhelming. Standing there, we felt smaller than a speck of dirt against the immensity of the world. This moment reminded us that no matter our perceived significance, we are but specks in the grand scheme of the universe. It was a humbling lesson to forgo our egos and embrace our place in the grand mosaic of existence. Standing at Uhuru Peak, we felt immense gratitude—not just for the breathtaking view but for the journey itself. The panoramic vista of clouds below us, the glaciers, and distant landscapes were indescribable. The summit represented the physical peak and the culmination of our efforts, determination, and growth, filling us with a genuine appreciation for the experience. The view from the top was breathtaking, a reminder that every peak was once a challenge. Mountains teach us that reaching the top rewards taking one step at a time. This mirrors life's Journey, where handling challenges gracefully leads to a fulfilling experience.


Our Journey to Uhuru Peak was unforgettable, blending physical endurance, mental fortitude, and spiritual awakening. We returned with a clearer view of our potential and a deeper appreciation for the beauty of life. As John Muir aptly put it, "In every walk with Nature, one receives far more than he seeks." Hiking is not about escaping life but discovering it in its purest form.

Climbing Kilimanjaro was more than just a hike; it was a transformative experience that taught us valuable lessons about ourselves and the world. Life is much like a hike - full of ups and downs, twists and turns - and learning to find joy in the journey is key to living a fulfilling life. We hope our Journey inspires you to seek out your adventures and embrace the growth that comes with them. Whether it's a mountain, a new hobby, or a personal challenge, remember that the Journey is as important as the destination. Keep exploring, keep pushing your boundaries, and keep discovering the beauty and strength within you. We want to leave you with a short open-verse poem penned by us:

The Edge of Resolve

I kept going, not because I wanted to,

But because I yearned to taste the edge of resolve,

To feel the weight of persistence,

And hear the whispers of a weary soul.

With each step, a reluctant sigh,

Yet curiosity burned beneath fatigue,

What lies beyond the valleys of doubt?

What echoes in the halls of tenacity?

The trail was never gentle,

Its stones sharp, its winds unkind,

But within the struggle, a quiet question,

What if I did not turn away?

In the heart of the storm, I found it,

Not the end but the essence of the journey,

A strength born not of desire,

But of the hunger to know

The power of not giving up.

About Us

Dr. Poonam Singh, MD, and Dr. Amar Singh, MD, are board-certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Obesity Medicine. They specialize in preventing, treating, and reversing chronic diseases using an evidence-based holistic approach. They are specifically interested in weight management, hormone re-balancing, and longevity. The American College of Physicians has recognized them as Fellows, FACP, for their excellence and contributions to medicine and the broader community. They enjoy teaching, volunteering, and advocating for their patients. Their mission is to share simple, effective, proven strategies leading to meaningful, sustainable, and long-lasting well-being.